Moorlands Primary


Moorlands Primary School is proud to be a learning hub that sits in the heart of the local community.

We strive to ensure all of our pupils are confident and curious learners who are well prepared to participate effectively in our ever changing society.

Welcome to Moorlands Primary School’s website

We want our children to be curious, resilient, independent, lifelong learners who are prepared for life beyond school, so that they are able to compete effectively in our fast moving, ever changing world.

We want our children to be confident and respectful.

 We want our children to be confident and respectful; to question and challenge what they hear and see; to learn from their mistakes and use them as a way of moving forward. We want them to experience what it feels like to achieve academic and social success and to be the best they can!

 We have a reactive curriculum that teaches life skills as well as a full curriculum.  We want our pupils to flourish in all aspects of their life and we celebrate our successes across the school.  Part of the value of school is experiencing and learning to cope with a wider social environment; learning to relate well to other people and beginning to see things from another’s point of view; learning to share, to be tolerant and to care for others; to be honest, reliable and show concern for each other and their property; to value other cultures and other people’s rights to their beliefs.

At Moorlands we work to give our pupils a thorough grounding in basic skills; to develop a lively interest and curiosity about the world in which they live; to experience a wide curriculum that includes the creative arts and physical activities and to develop a love of learning that will stay with them throughout their life.

Our Curriculum drivers are:

  • Pupil Voice and curiosity; we listen to what our pupils are interested in, what is current and change our curriculum to reflect what our pupils need to learn.
  • Growth Mind Set; we want to develop our pupils’ resilience and therefore encourage them to learn from their mistakes, have an open mind set and praise them when they find learning challenging.
  • Active Learning; our pupils are fully involved in their learning and make the most of the opportunities available to them.


We are a welcoming community school based in Tilehurst and thrive on working in partnership with parents and carers.

If you are thinking of joining our school community and you would like to see us in action, please give us a call to make an appointment.