Moorlands Primary

Clubs at Moorlands

At Moorlands we are pleased to offer our children opportunities to attend clubs before, after or during school. We try to provide a range of different experiences for our children. Our clubs are extremely popular and always over-subscribed. Any children who don't get a place in their chosen clubs will be added to a waiting list and prioritised for next time the club runs. This term we are offering:

Board Games

In board games club, children have the chance to play a variety of different board and card games. These are a great way to develop children's problem solving, strategic thinking and social skills as well as lots of fun! It is open to children in years 2, 3 and 4.


Our choir has been running for over 18 years! The children learn a variety of different songs and have the opportunity to perform at the Hexagon with Berkshire Music Trust. They also enjoy performing in front of the school and their families. Choir is open to children in years 3-6.


Netball club is open to children in Key Stage 2. The children learn the skills they need to play the game as well as participate in friendly matches between ourselves and other local schools.

Forest School

Forest school is currently open to children in years 4-6. The children have opportunity to explore the outdoors within our school grounds and the local woods.

Forest School



The multi-skills club is run by Miss Turner from Premier Stars. It gives children opportunities to learn lots of skills which they can apply to different sports and games.

Colouring & Drawing Club

Colouring club is for children in Reception and Key Stage 1. The children have opportunity to participate in mindful colouring with their friends.

Illustration Club

Illustration club is for our older children in years 4, 5 and 6. The children have the opportunity to create their own illustrations and cartoons based on the work of famous illustrators as well as following step by step instructions.


If your child would like to join a club, please complete the form below and return it to the school office with your child.

asc letter.pdf