Moorlands Primary

Opening Times

KS1 (school open to children 32.5 hours)

Start of day- The main gate near the tennis courts on Church End Lane and the side gate in the alley connecting Church End Lane with Blundell's Copse will be opened to parents and children at 8.40am each morning. Reception parents can walk their children to their drop off area. Year 1 and Year 2 parents say goodbye to their children on the playground and they enter through the classroom doors. Registration begins at 8.50am and the gates are closed. Any children arriving after this time need to come to the main office and sign in. 

End of day- The gates will be opened to parents at 3.15pm. Key Stage 1 and Reception children are collected from outside their classrooms and will finish at 3.20pm. Parents who are also collecting KS2 children, will then be able to move around to the KS2 playground to collect their older children.

KS2 (school open to children 32.5 hours)

Start of day- The doors are opened to children at 8.40am to go to class. Children can enter through the main gates or side gate.  Registration starts at 8.50am and the gates will be closed. Any children arriving after this time need to be taken to the front entrance and signed in. 

End of day- The gates  will be opened at 3.15pm and parents are to wait on the playground at their designated year group pick up. Children will be let out of their classroom doors to meet parents at 3.20pm. Any children who are walking home alone, must have completed a 'Walk Home Alone' form - these will be checked before any child is allowed to leave through the gates.



 Children who are attending clubs, will leave school through the main office. Parents are asked to wait outside of the main entrance, and the children will be handed over to their grown ups by the adult running the club.