Moorlands Primary

Middle School

On this page you will find detailed information on the curriculum plans for
Moorlands Primary School Lower School classes. Published schemes are used for PE, Music, computing, PSHE and RE - see curriculum overview for further details. 

For further information, please contact class teachers.

Click here for curriculum overview documents

These are working documents and will be reviewed and updated as necessary


Year overview  Drivers Overview 2023-2024


 Animals Including Humans - Teeth

 Year 4 - Electricity

 Year 3 - Plants

 Year 4 - Living Things and Their Habitats

 Year 3 - Magnets and Forces

 Year 4 - States of Matter

 Year 3 - Animals Including Humans


 How did Britain change from the Stone Age to the Iron Age?

 How did the Romans shape Britain?


 What are the geographical regions of the UK?

 How did the Romans shape Britain?

 What is Scandanavia?



 Drawing - Portraits


Design & Technology

 Mechanical & Electrical Systems


Scheme Subjects

 Scheme Subjects Overview - Term 1

 Scheme Subjects Overview - Term 2

 Scheme Subjects Overview - Term 3

 Scheme Subjects Overview - Term 5

Curriculum News for parents

  Curriculum letter - Autumn term