Moorlands in the Community
Turn Tilehurst Red
Each year we take part in the local 'Turn Tilehurst Red' community event to support the local community in marking Remembrance Day. Our school council collect pennies from the school community and walk to the Triangle to lay these on the memorial.
Visitors to School
We invite a range of visitors into school from our local community and further afield. These include authors, charity workers, our grandparents, local faith leaders and many more!
Supporting Charities - at home and further afield
Each Harvest we collect for our own school food bank and for the local charity Readifood
We also take part in other events to support local and national charities such as: Mental Health Week, Odd Socks Day, Children in Need, Red Nose Day and many more!
Learning to be safe in our local community
Every year a group of our children take part in a bikeability course so they can stay safe on their bikes. We also have visits from a road safety roadshow and have visits from our local PCSO.
Looking after our local environment
We take part in a variety of activities to help look after our school and local area. This includes forest school, litter picking, using our food waste bins and taking care of nature with our bug hotel and compost bin in our wildlife area. Our gardening club grow all sorts of things to encourage wildlife.
Out and about in the local community
We use our local area to support us with our learning across the curriculum. This includes visiting the local woods, going to the library, visiting the bookshop in town, catching the bus into town, visiting St Michael's Church for our annual carol concert as well as much more!
Representing our School
We love to represent our school and take our school values out into the community. Our school choir performs every year at the Hexagon and we take part in a variety of sporting events.