Welcome to Moorlands Primary Early Years Foundation Stage. We offer both Nursery and Reception classes and ensure that every child in our care feels supported, challenged, confident and comfortable in their setting.
Our staff are experienced in Early Years education and our environment provides superb learning experiences.
Our staff are experienced in Early Years education and our environment provides superb learning experiences. Children take part in a range of indoor and outdoor group and individual learning opportunities through exciting play based activities which are designed to target specific learning needs. We are a fully inclusive school and provide individualised learning and support to help all children to believe in themselves and achieve their full potential. We encourage independence, team work and pride in achievements and expect every child to try their best in everything they do.
A balance of adult-led and child-initiated experiences is developed to build on the children’s existing knowledge, skills and understanding.
Children in the Foundation Stage follow the foundation curriculum, which provides experiences designed to match the age, maturity and different capabilities of each individual child. A balance of adult-led and child-initiated experiences is developed to build on the children’s existing knowledge, skills and understanding. These experiences are planned within the guidance material Development Matters, and Early Learning Goals, which are nationally established goals for the learning of young children and support the implementation of the Statutory Framework of the Early Years Foundation Stage. The characteristics of effective learning interconnect with all areas of the curriculum and focus on engagement through playing and exploring; being motivated through active learning and being able to create and think critically.
For more information please see the links below that contain information on the EYFS.
We make certain all ratios and policies are in place to guarantee the safety and happiness of every child.
We welcome you and your family to Moorlands Primary School and look forward to seeing your child flourish both academically and personally during their time with us.
Development Matters in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
Early Years Foundation Stage Profile Handbook
Helping your EYFS child with their maths at home
Information for parents about the Reception Baseline Assessment