Role of the Governers
What we do…
- The governing body work as a team, and in co-operation with the staff ensure a safe, happy, learning environment where children can prosper.
- Monitor the strategic thinking of where the schools are going and how we get there.
- The day to day running of both sites is managed by the Executive Head
- Working with the Executive Head and Senior Staff, governors are responsible for strategically setting and delivering the schools aims and policies.
This includes:
- Improving standards of Teaching and Learning.
- Implementation of Statutory Legislation.
- Setting and monitoring the schools budget.
- Staff appointments and interviews.
- Safeguarding and Equal Opportunities.
- The School improvement plan.
- Risk assessments and general care of the schools estate.
When do we meet?
- The full governing body meets 4 times each school year to approve policies, receive reports from each subcommittee, review the progress of the school and when required make decisions on its future direction.
- In addition governors attend one of the specialist committees (Curriculum, Finance & Personnel, Sites & Buildings) where the groundwork, research and discussion on key issues occurs.
The governing body has registered their interests, which includes relevant business interests and relationships between governors and members of school staff.
The Federation places great value on the work and commitment of the committees.