Phonics Set 1
Children entering set 1 will have experience and knowledge of
listening activities including songs, stories and rhymes.
In this set we teach 31 sounds including the 26 letter sounds. and move children on from oral blending and segmenting to being able to read and spell CVC words. We learn 2/3 new sounds a week. Lessons are taught following a four part structure and children have lots of opportunity to practise their blending and segmenting. Letter formation is taught alongside phonics. The children will learn a simple ditty that helps them to remember the order of letter strokes for forming letters. See below the sounds we learn and the ditties that help us form our letters. It is really important to say the letters in their smallest unit of sound.
For example: mmmmmm instead of muh
m | Maisy, mountain, mountain |
a | Round the apple, down the leaf |
s | Slither down the snake |
d | Round his bottom, up his tall neck, down his feet |
t | Down the tower, across the tower |
i | Down the body, dot for the head |
n | Down Nobby and over his net |
p | Down the plait and over the pirate’s face |
g | Round her face, down her hair and give her a curl |
o | All around the orange |
c | url around the caterpillar |
k | Down the kangaroo’s body, tail and leg |
u | Down and under, up to the top and draw the puddle |
b | Down the laces to the heel, round the toe |
f | Down the stem and draw the leaves |
e | Lift the top and scoop out the egg |
l | own the long leg |
h | Down the head to the hooves and over his back |
sh | Slither down the snake, down the head to the hooves and over his back |
r | Down his back, then curl over his arm |
j | Down his body, curl and dot |
v | Down a wing, up a wing |
w | Down, up, down, up |
y | Down a horn up a horn and under his head |
th | Down the tower, across the tower, then down the horse’s head to the hooves and over his back |
z | Zig-zag-zig |
ch | Curl around the caterpillar, then go down the horse’s head to the hooves and over his back |
qu | Round her head, up past her earrings and down her hair, down and under, up to the top and draw the puddle |
x | Down the arm and leg and repeat the other side |
ng | Thing on a string |
nk | I think I stink |
ck | Curl around the caterpillar, down the kangaroo’s body, tail and leg |